Template:Political party produces the short name or color of the provided political party.

Usage ಸಂಪೊಲಿಪುಲೆ

Parameters ಸಂಪೊಲಿಪುಲೆ

Parameter Description
1 The political party's name. If a party is not found, place a request at the talk page.
2 The value requested. Currently supported values are abbrev, color, and shortname .
error Optional, this parameter will return the provided |error= value if the module does not contain the requested party or color.

Examples ಸಂಪೊಲಿಪುಲೆ

Here are some examples using the Labour Party (note that there are multiple potential input names):

	["Labour and Co-operative"] = "Labour Party (UK)",
	["Labour Co-operative"] = "Labour Party (UK)",
	["Labour Party (Thailand)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "",},
	["Labour Party (UK)"] = {abbrev = "Lab", color = "#E4003B", shortname = "Labour",},

If the party is not present in the module, or the shortname or abbreviation are not in the module, the input party name will be returned.

Lua script error messages ಸಂಪೊಲಿಪುಲೆ

If either of the required parameters are not supplied, or the color does not exist in the module, an error will be returned.

  • {{Political party}}parameter 1 should be a party name.
  • {{Political party|A test no values}}parameter 2 should be the output type.
  • {{Political party|A test no values|color}}Value not in template. Please request that it be added.

To avoid generating a script error, use |error=value. Note that this error value will also be passed if the party is not stored in the module.

See also ಸಂಪೊಲಿಪುಲೆ

Tracking categories ಸಂಪೊಲಿಪುಲೆ

local p = {}

local default_color = '#F8F9FA'

local categories = {
	party_not_in_list = '[[Category:Pages using Political party with unknown party]]',
	shortname_not_in_list = '[[Category:Pages using Political party with missing shortname]]',
	color_not_in_list = '[[Category:Pages using Political party with missing color]]',

local function create_error(error_message)
	return string.format('<strong class="error">%s</strong>', error_message)

local function getFirstLetter(party)
	local index = mw.ustring.sub(party, 1, 1)
	-- Set index for non-A-Z starts
	if string.match(index, '%A') then
		return '1'
	return string.upper(index)

local function stripToNil(text)
	-- If text is a string, return its trimmed content, or nil if empty.
	-- Otherwise return text (which may, for example, be nil).
	if type(text) == 'string' then
		text = text:match('(%S.-)%s*$')
		local delink = require('Module:Delink')._delink
		text = delink({text, wikilinks = "target"})
	return text

-- Example of having all the data - color and names - in one table. Requires one page to be edited instead of two when adding a new party.
function p._fetch(args)
	if not args[1] then
		return create_error("parameter 1 should be a party name.")

	if not args[2] then
		return create_error("parameter 2 should be the output type.")

 	local party = stripToNil(args[1])
	local out_type = stripToNil(args[2])
	if out_type == 'colour' then
		out_type = 'color'
	local index = getFirstLetter(party)
	-- Load data from submodule
	local data = mw.loadData('Module:Political party/' .. index)
	local data_all = data.full

	local party_alt = data.alternate[party]
	local party_info
	if party_alt then
		if data_all[party_alt] then
			party_info = data_all[party_alt]
			index = getFirstLetter(party_alt)
			data = mw.loadData('Module:Political party/' .. index)
			party_info = data.full[party_alt]
		party_info = data_all[party]

	-- Check if database value exists
	-- * Not even in database - return given error or input
	-- * No color - return error
	-- * No shortname/abbrev - return first non-blank of abbrev->shortname->input
	if not party_info then
		if out_type == 'color' then
			return args.error or default_color
			return args.error or party
	local return_value = party_info[out_type]
	if return_value == "" then
		if out_type == 'color' then
			return args.error or create_error("Value not in template. Please request that it be added.")
		elseif out_type == 'abbrev' then
			if party_info.shortname ~= "" then
				return party_info.shortname
				return party
		elseif out_type == 'shortname' then
			if party_info.abbrev ~= "" then
				return party_info.abbrev 
				return party
			return party

	if out_type == 'color' and string.find(return_value, '#') then
		return_value = string.gsub(return_value, '#', '&#35;')
	return return_value	

function p.fetch(frame)
	-- Initialise and populate variables
	local getArgs = require("Module:Arguments").getArgs
	local args = getArgs(frame)
	return p._fetch(args)

return p